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(Created page with "{{CoffeeMUDWikiTOC}} {{CoffeeMUDClansTOC}} =Clan Trophies= Highly motivated clans can earn trophies that provide extra bonuses for the clan. Only the top clan of each catego...")
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| Control Points  
| Control Points  
| +10% EXP
| +5% EXP
| Awarded for having the most control points of controlled areas via the conquest system.  The bigger the area, the more control points required to conquer it.
| Awarded for having the most control points of controlled areas via the conquest system.  The bigger the area, the more control points required to conquer it.
| Rival Player Kills  
| Rival Player Kills  
| +15% EXP
| +10% EXP
| Awarded for having the PK kills of rival clan members.
| Awarded for having the PK kills of rival clan members.
| Experience  
| Experience  
| +10% EXP
| +5% EXP
| Awarded for having the most clan experience.
| Awarded for having the most clan experience.
| Most Members  
| Most Members  
| +5% EXP
| +3% EXP
| Awarded for having the most clan members.
| Awarded for having the most clan members.
| Highest Median Level  
| Highest Median Level  
| +5% EXP
| +3% EXP
| Awarded for having the highest median level amongst all clan members.
| Awarded for having the highest median level amongst all clan members.
| Most Player Levelling
| +3% EXP
| Awarded for having the most clan member levels gained.
| Highest Player Time
| +3% EXP
| Awarded for having the highest time online by all clan members.
| Highest Monthly Player Time
| +2% EXP
| Awarded for having the highest time online by all clan members in the past month.
| Highest Monthly Player Experience 
| +2% EXP
| Awarded for having the highest combined clan member experience gained in the past month.
| Highest Monthly Experience
| +2% EXP
| Awarded for having the most clan experience in the past month.
| Monthly Areas Controlled
| +2% EXP
| Awarded for having the most areas conquered in the last month via the conquest system.
| Monthly Clan Levels Gained
| +2% EXP
| Awarded for having the highest clan level gain in the past month.
| Monthly Control Points
| +2% EXP
| Awarded for having the most control points gained in the past month via the conquest system.  The bigger the area, the more control points required to conquer it.
| Monthly New Members
| +2% EXP
| Awarded for having the most new clan members in the past month.


Revision as of 13:57, 18 January 2019

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Clan Trophies

Highly motivated clans can earn trophies that provide extra bonuses for the clan. Only the top clan of each category gets a trophy, but a clan may have multiple trophies. The trophies that exist in the Official CoffeeMUD are listed in the following table.

Trophy Benefits Notes
Areas Controlled +10% EXP Awarded for having the most areas controlled via the conquest system.
Control Points +5% EXP Awarded for having the most control points of controlled areas via the conquest system. The bigger the area, the more control points required to conquer it.
Rival Player Kills +10% EXP Awarded for having the PK kills of rival clan members.
Experience +5% EXP Awarded for having the most clan experience.
Most Members +3% EXP Awarded for having the most clan members.
Highest Median Level +3% EXP Awarded for having the highest median level amongst all clan members.
Most Player Levelling +3% EXP Awarded for having the most clan member levels gained.
Highest Player Time +3% EXP Awarded for having the highest time online by all clan members.
Highest Monthly Player Time +2% EXP Awarded for having the highest time online by all clan members in the past month.
Highest Monthly Player Experience +2% EXP Awarded for having the highest combined clan member experience gained in the past month.
Highest Monthly Experience +2% EXP Awarded for having the most clan experience in the past month.
Monthly Areas Controlled +2% EXP Awarded for having the most areas conquered in the last month via the conquest system.
Monthly Clan Levels Gained +2% EXP Awarded for having the highest clan level gain in the past month.
Monthly Control Points +2% EXP Awarded for having the most control points gained in the past month via the conquest system. The bigger the area, the more control points required to conquer it.
Monthly New Members +2% EXP Awarded for having the most new clan members in the past month.

