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*In theory, MOBTeachers teach skills as if they have it at 100% with 25 Intelligence.

Revision as of 13:18, 31 October 2018

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Targets: MOBs
Parameters: Char class name(s), ability name(s), expertise name(s), percentages, nocommon flag, noedus flag, or empty to teach all.
Examples: mage evoker illusionist transmuter

100% mage 10% Thief_Steal NOCOMMON

Spell_Sleep 5% Spell_Wish


Description: This behavior makes the mob suitable to teach skills, spells, prayers, songs, or expertises as specified in the parameters. If the parameter is empty, the mob will be able to teach all abilities. If the parameter contains the name of a character class, the mob will only teach abilities of that class. *Any* class may always practice with a MOBTeacher, but the mob may only teach those abilities for the character class the parameters describe. The classes listed by mob teacher are NOT base classes. To have a teacher able to teach skills from an entire base class, all sub-classes must be listed.

Percentages may be included inside the parameters as well. The percentage will always apply only to the character classes or spells listed after the percentage, not before. Encountering another percentage entry will override the previous. A percentage will dictate the chance that a given spell will be known by the teacher, or the chance that a particular spell in a given character class will be known.

Two flags can also modify your list. The NOCOMMON flag prevents the teacher from teaching common skills, even if they would normally be on his list. The NOEXPS flag prevents the teacher from teaching expertises, even if he would normally qualify for them.

If this behavior has NO parameters whatsoever, the mob will teach all basic skills. Expertises will only be taught if the mob otherwise qualifies for them himself, and Character Class changes will only be taught if the mob is that class.


  • In theory, MOBTeachers teach skills as if they have it at 100% with 25 Intelligence.