Spell Knock

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Domain: Invocation/Evocation
Available: Abjurer(3) Arcanist(18) Conjurer(3) Diviner(3) Enchanter(3) Evoker(3) Illusionist(3) Mage(3) Transmuter(3) Wizard(3)
Allows: Ranged In/Evoking Reduced In/Evoking Extended In/Evoking Power In/Evoking
UseCost: Mana (53)
Quality: Circumstantial
Targets: Items Exits
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CAST, CA, C
Examples: cast knock door

cast knock east

Description: This spell may be cast on any locked object, such as a door, chest, or other lidded container. If effective, the locked object becomes unlocked and open.

