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=CoffeeMUD Commands=
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Examples: nosell dagger

nosell on all

Description: This command can flag an item in the players inventory as being unsellable, allowing the player to do sell all without accidentally selling things they don't want to. By default, NOSELL (ITEM) will toggle the flag, while NOSELL ON (ITEM) will always turn it on, and OFF will turn it off.

Dropping an item marked unsellable will also remove the flag.


  • The NOSELL flag is only semi-permanent on "standard" items.
    • A non-generic item, like a PortableHole or BagOfHolding or Torch will only maintain the NOSELL flag until a server-restart, at which point it will lose the NOSELL flag.
      • Builds can often create a generic equivalent of the item, such as a GenBagOfHolding or a GenLightsource, which will be capable on persisting the NOSELL flag across restarts. If your item keeps losing its NOSELL flag over restarts, contact an immortal with a TYPO report stating where you acquired the item (if you can remember) and what the item is that does not maintain its NOSELL flag.