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=CoffeeMUD Player Information=
Basics Info     Commands     Socials     Combat     Groups Character Stats     Races     Classes     Abilities     Expertises     Achievements
World Deities     Areas     Property     Quests     Clans     Triumphs Items Items     Crafting     Ships
=CoffeeMUD Areas=
A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M        N       O       P       Q       R        S       T        U       V       W        X       Y        Z
=CoffeeMUD Regions=
Alramia       Calinthia       Dark Continent       Domhan Bol       Ofcollia       Otherworldly       Thalosia       Thera       Tyrithel       Unknown       Ven'rasyl      
Description: The Miden`nir is a great forest south of Midgaard inhabited by goblins and other creatures.
Author: Copper & updated by Virax Currency: Gold coins (default)
Rooms: 45 Population: 33
LevelRange: 1-10 MedianLevel: 6
AvgAlign: evil MedAlignment: pure evil
Recommendation: Recommended for characters level 6-9.

Useful Items


Pub Dwellers (Random Questgivers)

These questgivers will provide a quest periodically to quest in a specific area.

Name Location Target Quest Area Approximate Level
a downtrodden villager The Woodsman Inn Goblin Mountains 4
a rugged farmer The Bar Vale of Clover 17
the fighter The Bard's Table Emerald Forest 20

Connected Areas



