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In CoffeeMUD, players are encouraged to bathe somewhat regularly. Bathing in its simplest form means getting your character wet. You can do this by walking in the rain, walking through a shallow-water room (such as a pond or stream), swimming in deeper water, or by MOUNTing a bath tub or Jacuzzi and using the BATHE Social. Failure to bathe will result in a reduction of Charisma through a worsening stinking affect. This affect will also emote a smell that other players and monsters may periodically receive if in the same or adjacent rooms, depending on the severity of the uncleanliness. Hard work, such as gathering or crafting skills, will hasten the severity of poor hygiene.

Babies also must have their hygiene maintained, least they become stinky themselves. If you have a baby in your inventory, you may need to periodically BATHE the baby in a fountain or other water source.