Chant WindColor

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===Wind Color===
Domain: Weather Mastery
Available: SkyWatcher(2)
Allows: Weather Mastering
UseCost: Mana (52)
Quality: Sometimes Beneficial
Targets: Caster only
Range: Touch, or not applicable
Commands: CHANT, CH
Examples: chant "wind color"
Description: This chant allows the druid, upon entering a new room, to gather information about the mobs and or items in the room. This is done by observing the color of the winds, which will be coded as follows:

Black - Something Undead

Red - Something evil

Blue - Something good

Green - A neutral creature

Grey - Something metal or stone

Maroon - Something hidden

Yellow - Something invisible

Brown - Something wooden

Orange - Something trapped

White - Something lawful

Purple - Something chaotic

(Striped colors) - a single source of multiple colors

(Swirling colors) - multiple sources of multiple colors

(Dull colors) - highest level is below 15 levels below the caster

(Faded colors) - highest level is below 5 levels below the caster

(Bright colors) - highest level is between 5 and 15 levels above the caster

(Brilliant colors) - highest level is between 15 and 25 levels above the caster

(Dazzling colors) - highest level is 25 levels or more above the caster

