Build 5.7.10

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CoffeeMud Version 5.7.10

Released on Feb 17th, 2013

(* DB CHANGE!) ( Thanks to TGMUD for publishing their changelogs!!!)

  1. Database Schema Updated! Run DBUpgrade, OR create table CMCHCL (see appropriate schema file), then:
  2. (Minor) ResourceOverride is now an ActiveTicker for better control over its behavior. Also, room types bug fixed.
  3. New INI entries for whitelisting over ip/login/newplayer blocks: WHITELISTIPSCONN, WHITELISTLOGINS, WHITELISTIPSNEWPLAYERS
  4. Special GET case: Can now get parts of a bundle from a container -- get 2 oak from wagon will break a 2# bundle from inside in a wagon.
  5. Carpentry skills list underwent a little makeover.
  6. I3 LISTEN/SILENCE can be used by i3 admins to test out other channels... if you turn one on, be sure to turn it off before you leave!
  7. (internal) XMLManager optomized for More Speed!
  8. Missing INI entry (WRNMSGS) now added and documented.
  9. New Property (Prop_RoomList) -- more lightweight way to keep rooms from going dark at night (pun intended).
  10. New Skills: Urban Tactics, Pressure Points, Hideout
  11. New Clan Trophies: Most Members, and Highest Median Member Level
  12. Pregnancy will fail if either participant is exhausted or below 1/2 movement. A message was added so the players know.
  13. Arcanists can LOOK at wand charges at level 30.
  14. Common Skills now support "STOP" to cancel.
  15. Troll regeneration moved from the MOB to the Race
  16. InstantDeath behavior now allows a zappermask, also New Property (Prop_InstantDeath) -- more lightweight than the behavior.
  17. New race: Slime, and racial category to go with it
  18. New spells: Acid Spray, Mass Hold
  19. Some common skills can now be done sitting now.
  20. Bandaging also restores a few hit points.
  21. CombatAbilities and its derivatives (Bardness/Clericness/etc..) will adjust base char stats of mobs to reflect class, unless NOSTATS in the parms.
  22. Players Teaching Players is now more beneficial for both. Also, (internally), Teach is now StdMOB managed, as it should be.
  23. Potions/Pills/Scrolls/Powders now support parameters for spells on them.
  24. Scriptable: get_prog now applies to getting items from containers on the ground.
  25. Druids can now shapeshift into lower versions of their existing shapeshift forms.
  26. Char Creation Stat picker now has Random Roll option.
  27. POSE can now be turned off with NOPOSE
  28. The POLL system now supports 1 vote per account for those using the account system.
  29. Prop_TrashCan supports a DELAY parameter
  30. New formulas for PVP combat -- INI/Control Panel support. The defaults basically remove level fudging.
  31. (Internal) New experiments in Fully Async sessions continues apace. Converted Logout and Quit.
  32. New prayer: Retribution (neutral Blade Barrier for Missionaries & Shaman)
  33. POUR command can now be used to activate a potion on an item (for example, enchant weapon potion) (like thrown powders)
  34. About two dozen thief skills have been finished and assigned to various classes. Skill_EscapeBonds renamed to Struggle Bonds.
  35. Potions and Pills are more scaled to their levels.
  36. Normally mobile mobs will walk by hidden/invis exits now (unless they can see hidden, etc..)
  37. Death room (DEATH) coffeemud.ini entry now supports MORGUE to keep players where they died.
  38. (Internal) Expertises have been optimized such that players only store the highest version. Functionally identical, but with new editor expression.
  39. Clans and Governments now support categories, scripts, and visibility flags, and mobs may belong to more than one, if setup properly.
  40. New INI entries: MAXCLANCATS and PUBLICCLANCATS for controlling player access to clan gvts by category
  41. Player passwords can now be optionally hashed into the DB -- see HASHPASSWORDS in coffeemud.ini
  42. If you've been having MXP problems with ZMUD/CMUD or Siplet, those problems are over.
  43. New private Government type (Profession) for class clans. Make sure you add CLASSCLAN to the new MAXCLANCATS ini entry.
  44. PlayerClass (the class used when you disable CLASSES) now uses a programmatically defined skill tree.