Build 5.5.2

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CoffeeMud Version 5.5.2

Release on Dec 12, 2008

  1. Journal Show All Messages allows batch processing now
  2. I3 will now properly respond to chan-user-req, and has a new default server in the ini
  3. trailto supports nohomes flag now.
  4. Crafting Expertises are no longer such a hideous hit on the time required
  5. Wimpy can now accept a percentage of hit points as an argument
  6. Messing up a mending now results in a partial mend.
  7. Clarify Scroll now has a ceiling, to help balance against mages.
  8. New Shaman Prayer: Cleanliness
  9. Replay will now show the commands you entered also.
  10. New Command Journal option: confirm
  11. New Zapper Mask: GROUPSIZE
  12. Catalog System has lots of new features -- faster, usage counters, & auto updating your map
  13. Catalog command has new parameters: scan, dbscan, overlook, dboverlook
  14. New player command: PAGEBREAK. Also, pagebreak and linewrap added to CONFIG command. -- You can also enter x, quit, or exit at the pagebreak prompt to stop output.
  15. LIST LOG now streams its data for extreme speed.
  16. Players more than 10X fatigued will have a 1% chance/tick to fall under the sleep spell.
  17. New Spells: Dispel Divination, Teleport Object
  18. Players will be notified when users on FRIENDS list log off, just like logins.
  19. FieryRoom Behavior tick parms apply to damage now, instead of room destruction (other parms for that anyway).
  20. CL Player Editor now allows Quest-Scripts to be Removed manually (to fix players with bad quest scripts attached to them)
  21. MG Catalog Manager will now show "most popular" area for stuff, and allows sorting by column
  22. Common text files (intro.txt, newchar.txt, rules.txt, etc) are sent through webmacro system now -- add macros!
  23. Behavior MobReSave now saves/restores a mobs charstats.
  24. Thief Mark skill can now unmark, BodyPiercing can now "heal" piercings, You can Leech yourself now, always Hide from sleeping mobs, and assassinate packs a larger punch.
  25. If a cage containing a mob is opened and left open -- the creature will now escape in 30 ticks (2 min)!
  26. New Prayer: Sense Alergies
  27. Internal: Some time/CPU control has been implemented for skills that require scanning the whole map (like Teleport or Gate, etc. This means that for large maps, players may notice those skills have gotten much "slower", though in reality, it will help your mud support more people doing such things.
  29. New LIST parameter: SCRIPTS (for finding script usages and scriptables in your world)
  30. Help money/currency/etc will show local currency. help world currency shows all active currencies.
  31. Scriptable codes $h/$H $s/$S added to support him/her. LOG command also changed to prevent spoofing.
  32. Quests now save their authors, if the questmaker is used.
  33. Cooking will now give slightly more specific names to the final recipe (Fried Water Fowl instead of Fried Poultry, etc)
  34. Channel socials can now target Cataloged mobs (targetting other out-of-room mobs would have required a world scan)
  35. CoffeeTables STATS system will now gather statistics on quests, though some stats require mobprog "hooks" to gather. The templates for the questmaker have been updated.
  36. Necromancers will now be notified of the deaths of mobs nearby and of other players online.
  37. Players will now get a message if they attempt to put on armor outside their class restrictions. Messages are in lists.ini
  38. ShopKeepers can now sell multiple-types of items. Conflicting types are resolved when set.
  39. CommandJournals now support SCRIPT= flag to allow you to scrip entries into your journal. An example for BUG is included.
  40. New Death/Flee consequence: ASTRAL_RES -- same as ASTRAL, but players can use ENTER [body] to self-res.
  41. New Area type: StdThinInstance. Yep, CoffeeMud supports real-life instances now! Check out the Archon Guide for more info.
  42. CharClass ability mappings now support "maximum proficiency" values per skill.
  43. New un-qualified-for Skill: Flee -- just calls the Flee command, but can be used as a replacement of the command if set up properly.
  44. New un-qualified-for Common Skill: ScrollScribing -- inferior to the scribe skill, but ties into metacrafting!
  45. Random object generator done. See HELP GENERATE, and play around with it. Let me know if this is interesting in any way.
  46. EXPORT command now supports single players by name.
  47. I changed the name of a few of the library interfaces, so make sure you follow the part of the upgrade instructions regarding deleting your old "com" directory before running the new build.
  48. CoffeeMud-bug values dropped 700 points in overnight debugging.