Build 5.1.5

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CoffeeMud Version 5.1.5

Released on Jul 26, 2006

MCCP is now disabled in the coffeemud.ini file by default. What I thought was a really frisky bug in CoffeeMud turned out to be a problem in the zlib.jar file we are using. The bug causes player output lockup about once per day on my mud. I recommend you disable it until I can replace the library.

Also, I did get primary hacking on the Mystery Engine completed, but will have to wait for the next build to see the debugged version with lots of example mystery quests.

As always, this build is in the "stable" directory.

  1. HELP changes: VISIBLE command is better documented in relavant spells/skills, RANGE entry added.
  2. A players HIDE score is now shown in SCORE when hidden. Observation score (see hidden) is also shown when avail.
  3. Behaviors Aggressive, MobileAggressive, WimpyAggressive, VeryAggressive now have MISBEHAVE flag.
  4. Scriptable changes: $0..$9 are now valid temporary variables for holding all possible strings -- they are local to a single trigger.
  5. Scriptable changes: We now have FOR loops!! (use the temporary variables described above)
  6. Scriptable functions: QUESTPOINTS, QVAR, TRAINS, PRACS
  8. Scriptable changes: MPENABLE now supports ++, -- for adjusting profficiency
  9. RECORD command can now be used when player is offline, and will resume when they logoff/logon.
  10. New Thief skills: Hide Other, Woodland Creep
  11. (Internal): The words proficient/proficiency now spelled correctly in the source code.
  12. Bankers can now loan money to players who provide collateral, at an interest rate.
  13. New command: BORROW -- to support the Bankers.
  14. New Behavior QuestChat -- a MudChat for dynamicly built and/or one-time responses.
  15. Can now disable HUNGER/THIRST through the coffeemud.ini file.
  16. MUDGrinder now has Bank Accounts browser under Player Management, and Banned List is under P.M. as well.
  17. More bugs fixed than stars in the sky.