Build 5.1.3

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CoffeeMud Version 5.1.3

Released on Apr 24, 2006

  1. Armor can now be layered (more than one thing worn on a location)
  2. Armor can be layered and see-through (like cloth armband around a shirt sleeve)
  3. Armor can now be layered and multi-worn (like bracelets on a wrist, or badges on a shirt)
  4. Prop_WearAdjuster/Prop_WearEnabler have a new flag: LAYERED to limit layered magic armaments
  5. Common skills updated for layered clothing -- thanks Tim!
  6. New player race: Drow (still in beta though -- probably more will be done with it): Thanks Lee!
  7. Racketeering now prevents other thieves from harassing your protected shopkeepers: Thanks again Lee!
  8. Better support for Oracle is on the way -- partially there this release, but not all the way there. Thanks Aristotle!
  9. Spell_MagicItem now has protections for layered clothing (to prevent abuse)
  10. Not new, but in better shape: educations for using common skills to create enhanced items -- mobteachers especially are more helpful. :)
  11. Evil clerics now OUTFIT with swords instead of maces
  12. New resource: cheese. :/
  13. TELL now respects invisibility
  14. New Zapper masks: ADJSTR, ADJDEX, ADJCON, etc.. for adjusted/current stat checking
  15. A tall helping of bugs gobbled up.