Build 4.7.7

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CoffeeMud Version 4.7.7

Released on Sep 24, 2005

Mostly a bug-fix build, though I did find a little time for some tinkering. Several class files were dropped, so make sure you follow the upgrade rules regarding deleting your com path.

  1. Better reporting of map load errors.
  2. Optimization of XML parser -- might be a little speed bump in there somewhere.
  3. The commands IDEA, BUG, TYPO, TASK, and ASSIST are ALL DEPRECATED. They are GONE!
  4. New INI entry: COMMANDJOURNALS, replaced all the above commands.
  5. New and Updated Items: PlayingCard, HandOfCards, DeckOfCards. New Behavior to demonstrate them: PokerDealer
  6. PKILL rule change: *BOTH* clans must be at war with each other, directly or indirectly, to override PKILL flag.
  7. Minor additions to Quest Manager selection abilities, esp with set locale, set room, and set area.
  8. EXAMINE can now be used to glean new information on mobs and players.
  9. MUDZapper now supports ITEMS. This was HUGE! Several new zapper fields added to support this.
  10. Admin WHERE command can now include zapper masks in your searches. 11. New application: Shutdown, allows you to shutdown coffeemud gracefully from the command line. See Installation Guide for more info.
  11. New non-qualified Prayer (for deities perhaps): Refresh
  12. Internal: ServiceEngine now supports a startTickDown method with VARIABLE tick rate.
  13. Character Classes can now have several class-level dependent names. GenCharClass support added.
  14. Character Classes can now grant users class-level dependent Security codes and Groups. GenCharClass support added.
  15. A snow-capped goat playground MOUNTAIN of bugs fixed.