Build 4.0.5

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CoffeeMud Version 4.0.5

Released on Sep 25, 2003 2:22 PM

  1. Spell Siphon added at Enchantment/17
  2. Archons will now find everything with Locate Object -- even unlocatable things.
  3. QUIET flag added to quest scripts to stifle certain log messages. It's undocumented I think.
  4. Area SubOps can now use export command, targeting the screen.
  5. RandomMonsters behavior can now accept XML directly in the parms.
  6. Decay behavior now accepts "zapper" masks for who may trigger it.
  7. Several (~10) spells/chants/songs/prayers renamed to make the help files happy. Their class names are the same, just their game-names changed.
  8. Dozens of spells/chants/etc. now have more "public" uninvocation messages than they did before. In other words, when a spell/etc wears off, more of them will make a public proclaimation of such instead of a private tell.
  9. CONSIDER command -- as player advances in level, the range of levels for each of the consideration messages widens.
  10. Detect Magic spell is now MUCH more powerful than it was! Check it out!
  11. Some tweeks to Falling affect that involved water.
  12. Prop_PeaceMaker can now affect mobs and accept personalized strings.
  13. Harpy replaces Griffon as top-level Avian for Druids
  14. Two new zapper masks added (-player -mob)
  15. ShopKeepers now exempt from the item GET level rule.
  16. CorpseEater behavior now accepts zapper masks.
  17. AntiVagrant now has ANYWHERE and KICKOUT flags.
  18. BOOT=mycoffeemud.ini command-line parameter now accepted. See installation guide for info on it.
  19. Several various bug fixes in various areas.