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CoffeeMud Version

Released on May 22, 2003 4:40 pm

  1. Tweek to weight of items imported from .ARE files.
  2. Thief TRAPS debugged
  3. Thief BOMBS created, along with Bomb Making skill
  4. Lots of bugs fixed, including some with followers, and with Deity Blessings.
  5. CONFIG command created to review your flags
  6. Social added: MATE (removing this social will disable the whole sex system)
  7. Pregnancy and Aging added. Not an elaborate system, but perfectly harmless.
  8. Idle timer added, replaces location on the LIST SESSIONS report
  9. Players/mobs will not accept bombed or trapped items GIVEn to them (gives a purpose to the thief Plant skill).
  10. New Diseases added -- Disease system completely implemented. All diseases are now linked throughout the engine, and are catchable one way or another.
  11. Patroller behavior added
  12. TicketTaker property added
  13. BaseCharClass* web macros added
  14. PUT OUT (lightsource) will now work