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CoffeeMud Version (3.0.5)

Released on Mar 15, 2002

  1. Spell Domains are no longer classes, but simple enum field values
  2. Weapon & Armor Condition is now a thing via uses remaining
  3. Armor material now subtly affects saving throws
  4. No uses remaining on wands and stuff reduces their value to 0
  5. Thrown weapons exist now!
  6. Ranged weapons with Ammunition now exist.
  7. New Item type: StdRideable, for boats, cars, and airplanes
  8. New Item type: StdJournal, for message bases and such
  9. New Item types: StdCoins, GenRideable, GenJournal,
  10. New behaviors: ItemMender, MoneyChanger,
  11. Internal: mob senses masks and disposition are added, and room domains added
  12. Internal: weapon types and classifications are now a thing
  13. mob attributes now exist: autogold, autoloot, autoexits, autoassist, ansi, sysopmsgs, automelee
  14. Web Macros now exist
  15. .CMARE files are invented, and can now be Imported
  16. Saving Throws now exist
  17. Players can now have Leiges to share XP with
  18. Internal: commands are their own package, w/ StdCommand as the base
  19. New Skills: Skill_Meditation,
  20. New Spells: Spell_DetectGold, Spell_DetectWater, Spell_Augury, Spell_Wish, Spell_LightSensitivity
  21. New Spells: Spell_WeaknessGas, Spell_WeaknessFire, Spell_WeaknessElectricity, Spell_WeaknessCold, Spell_WeaknessAcid
  22. New Spells: Spell_ResistMagicMissiles, Spell_ReverseGravity, Spell_TimeStop, Spell_Reinforce, Spell_MassHaste
  23. New Spells: Spell_Ensnare, Spell_Mend, Spell_Shatter, Spell_SeeAura, Spell_CombatPrecognition, Spell_DetectMetal
  24. New Spells: Spell_Clairevoyance, Spell_Claireaudience, Spell_Scry, Spell_ComprehendLangs, Spell_KnowValue
  25. New Spells: Spell_PredictWeather, Spell_DetectUndead
  26. New Prayers: Prayer_SenseLife, Prayer_AnimateDead, Prayer_SenseEvil, Prayer_SenseGood, Prayer_Drain
  27. New Properties: Prop_Crawlspace,
  28. Languages are now a thing! New Langs: Common, Draconic, Gnomish, Dwarven, Orcish, Elvish, ThievesCant
  29. New MOB types: StdRideable (for horses mostly), GenRideable
  30. Diff Races now have their own health descriptions
  31. Natural Racial weapons added, so unarmed mobs can, on a race-by-race basis, have a special attack weapon
  32. New Web Server added, with ability to show mud variables via macros.
  33. New Web Macros: StdWebMacro, HTTPstatusInfo, NumPlayers, MUDServerStatus, MUDServerPort, MUDServerVersion
  34. New Web Macros: HTTPstatus, WebServerName, HTTPclientIP, PlayerList, WebServerPort, AreaTbl, WebServerVersion
  35. MUDGrinder app updated again, but its days are numbered. Did this really still work at this time?