Apartments of Calinth

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===Apartments of Calinth===
Description: The Apartments of Calinth are one room properties perfect for wealther bachelors and bachelorettes that wish to live in a city with lots to find and purchase. The apartments consist of one room and cannot be expanded, but can still be modified with building skills. Rent is taken directly from your bank account each MUDmonth - if you do not have the funds available you will be evicted. Items left in evicted properties will decay in just over a MUDweek. The apartments are located at the start Hedram Place, just south of the Durgas river in Calinth.
Author: Kettle Currency: Alramian
Rooms: 32 Population: 1
LevelRange: 29-29 MedianLevel: 29
AvgAlign: pure goodness MedAlignment: pure goodness
Economy: This area uses Gold Crowns.
Languages: COMMON is spoken here.
Recommendation: Ideal for low level characters without the need for much space. The rooms cannot be expanded, but can be otherwise modified with building skills. Each apartment costs about 30 gold per MUDMonth (a little over a real-life day), and will be deducted from your bank account each MUDmonth. If you don't have any money left in your account, you will be evicted, and items left in the room will decay in about 8 MUDdays.

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